The present User Agreement governs the relations between LLC Teddy Food ("TEDDY FOOD") and the Internet user ("User") arising when using the Internet Resource ("TEDDY FOOD") on the conditions specified in the User Agreement.

By the full and implicit acceptance of the present offer of Teddy Food in respect to the User about completion of the agreements shall be considered any actions completed by the User in respect of using TEDDY FOOD, including searching, viewing, commenting, registration on the Site, any payment of the services, sending messages with aid of communication forms and other actions for usage of TEDDY FOOD functionality. 

User Agreement can be changed by Teddy Food without any special notification message about it the User at any time. New edition of User Agreement becomes effective from the moment of its placement on TEDDY FOOD unless other is directly specified by Teddy Food. The regular acquaintance with the current version of User Agreement is the User's duty.

Use of TEDDY FOOD after entry into force of new edition of User Agreement means a consent with it of the User and application to it in full provisions of the new edition.

The current version of the present User Agreement is available to the address.

Terms and Definitions
The terms of the present User Agreement that are mentioned below have the following definitions:

Teddy Food – limited liability company (under the laws of the Russian Federation)“Teddy Food”, registered company number 1166313130565.

TEDDY FOOD and/or the Site – the Internet resource, presenting by itself the combination of the information and objects of intellectual properties that are containing in the information system (including the program for ECM, databases, graphical appearance of interface (design) and others), the access to which is provided from different users devices connected to the Internet, with the help of special software for web-pages overviewing (browser), on the web-sites and (including domains of next levels in regards to these web-sites) or Mobile applications.

User – a visitor of the Internet resources as well as TEDDY FOOD.

User Agreement – the present Agreement, Confidential Policy and other rules and documents that spell out the work of TEDDY FOOD or define the procedure of Services Usage that is publicized on the Site.

Services – functional facilities, services, tools available for Users of TEDDY FOOD.

Mobile application – a software for portable (mobile) devices that are set up or uploaded by User on such devices with the help of program platforms dedicated to access to TEDDY FOOD.

Credentials – a unique login (email address) and a password, created  by the User on his own in the process of Registration on the Site or changed by User further via User’s Account or by other means mentioned by Teddy Food that are used to access User’s Account after authorization of User on TEDDY FOOD.

User’s Account – a personal section of the user on TEDDY FOOD, linked to User’s Credentials on the Site, in which the manipulation of some TEDDY FOOD services is available for User, as well as order, connection or disconnection of them, on Teddy Food conditions.

Registration — set of actions of the User according to the instructions specified on  TEDDY FOOD, including provision of the Registration data and other information made by the User with use of the special form of the user interface TEDDY FOOD for the purpose of formation of the Private account and receiving access to the separate TEDDY FOOD Services.

Data — any materials and information provided by the User to Teddy Food in connection with TEDDY FOOD use.

Online broadcasting - receiving a video stream on the website and available to any user.

Fee - making by the user of any actions on the website, involving money transfer of means through TEDDY FOOD.

Shelter - the Legal or natural person in the territory of whom there are thriftless animals.

Animal card - information on the pet on the website

Fund raising - the right of a shelter to organize collection of donations for some certain need on the website

Helping line - service on TEDDY FOOD in which actions of users for payment of these or those services are visible.

The Rating of Users - the rating table on TEDDY FOOD in which the list of users of TEDDY FOOD on a certain algorithm is displayed.


2. General provisions. Access to services of the Website

2.1. Teddy Food suggests the User to use on the terms of the present User Agreement Services, available on TEDDY FOOD, including commenting, search, viewing of online broadcastings, fee and other Services offered on the Website. Concerning use of separate Services of Teddy Food additional conditions, rules and restrictions can be set. Teddy Food has the right to reconsider or change conditions of provision of Services at any time, to add, change, restrict, expand the functional capabilities of the Website and/or Services, including conditions of access for the User to Services or separate functional capabilities of the Website.

2.2. Services are provided to the User free of charge unless other is specially specified.

2.3. Provision of separate Services can be regulated by the special rules and/or agreements which are the integral part of the present User Agreement, other conditions and rules, personal agreements made in writing and signed by Teddy Food and the User. In case of a contradiction or a mismatch between the text of the present User Agreement and special rules and/or agreements last are subject to application.

2.4. The website TEDDY FOOD is the site allowing Shelters to place the Animal Card and Fund raising which purpose is receiving donations under the responsibility.

Teddy Food isn't the organizer of the transaction, the Buyer, the Seller, the intermediary, the agent or the representative of any User and/or other interested person concerning the bargain which is offered/concluded between Users. All Declarations made thanks to placement on the Website bargains between Users are concluded and executed without direct or indirect involvement of Teddy Food.

2.5. Irrespective of the fact of Registration or authorization of the User on the Website, use of the Website, including viewing of the information posted on the Website, means the User's consent with the present User Agreement and acceptance to itself of obligations to follow instructions for use of Services, and also responsibility for the actions connected to use of the Website.

2.6. Providing access to TEDDY FOOD and concluding thus the present User Agreement, the User guarantees that he has all rights and powers necessary for the inference and performance of User Agreement, including is full age and completely capable person, or the minor declared according to the decision of authorized body completely capable (emancipation) or the minor who reached fourteen years and got the written permission in the form required by the law from the parents or other valid representatives for the inference of User Agreement. Teddy Food has the right to demand from the User provision of information and the documents confirming the rights and powers at any time as it is stated above.


2. 7. TEDDY FOOD has the right to take for services 5% for a covering of expenditures on purchase for shelters: a router, a switch, installations of an intenet, payment of monthly payment, wires for connection of cameras.


2.8. The Services provided on TEDDY FOOD at any time can change, be added, be updated, change the form and character of the functional capabilities without prior notice of the User in this connection their use is offered in the mode "as is", i.e. that look and volume in what they are presented to Teddy Food at the time of the appeal to Services of Users. Teddy Food has the right to stop if necessary at own discretion (temporarily or finally) provision of Services (or any separate functions within Services) to all Users in general or to the certain User, in particular, without prior notice.


2.9. Providing access to TEDDY FOOD, the User agrees that TEDDY FOOD doesn't determine the content of the information placed or sent by a shelter for placement and doesn't bear responsibility for such information, including the websites, references to which can be contained in the appropriate materials.


2.10. Teddy Food realizes reception at the User of money in favor of the Shelter. All obligations in the appropriate Fund raisings arise directly between the User and the Shelter. Teddy Food isn't the organizer of Fund raising. The website is a platform for fund raising placement by Shelters. Responsibility for the reality and feasibility of the obligations concerning execution of Collection of srestvo bears the Shelter individually.


2.11. Teddy Food has the right to communicate with Users on the contacts specified by them, and also to advise last concerning design/confirmation/payment of the appropriate Service.


3. Registration on the Site

3.1. The user has the right to use separate Services after Registration for TEDDY FOOD.


3.2. In case of Registration Registration data which the User selects independently are specified. After introduction of data for Registration the User receives the e-mail on the e-mail address specified in case of Registration containing the active hyperlink on which transition is necessary for registration confirmation on the Website. Registration of the accounting entry is carried out on one e-mail address of the User singlely. Repeated Registration of the new accounting entry on the Website with use of the e-mail address which is earlier specified in case of Registration isn't allowed. The user can change Registration data in the Private office on the Website or if necessary the different way specified to TEDDY FOOD.


3.3. The user is obliged to track safety of the Registration data and not to open them to the third parties. The user has no right to transfer the Registration data to the third parties, and also directly or indirectly to allow the third parties to use his Registration data for authorization on TEDDY FOOD, except for the persons which are acting on behalf and for the benefit of the User or obtained such Registration data based on the relevant agreements with the User.


3.4. Any action made from the Private office of the User with use of its Registration data is considered the action made by the User or the person authorized by it and sets duties and responsibility for the User concerning such actions, including responsibility for violation of the present User Agreement.


3.5. The user is obliged to change immediately Registration data if he has reasons to suspect that these data were opened, can be used unauthorized by him the third parties or upon the demand of Teddy Food.


3.6. Teddy Food has the right to use available technical solutions for validation of the information provided by the User when using TEDDY FOOD. Teddie can't guarantee foot that the User really is that who is represented.


3.7. Teddy Food has the right to disable access for the User to the Private office. Teddy Food has the right to stop and/or limit access for the User to Services at any time, and also to disable or delete the user account on the Website without a possibility of its restoration.


3.8. Viewing of cards of pets, online broadcasting and other information placed on TEDDY FOOD in open access doesn't require registration and/or authorization of the User, however when making such actions the User is anyway obliged to observe provisions of User Agreement.


3.9. Registering, the User agrees to receive information mailing and other notification messages from Teddy Food with an opportunity to unsubscribe in the personal account of the e-mail.


4. The information provided by Users

4.1. Within TEDDY FOOD use the User undertakes to provide only the authentic Information and bears responsibility for the information provided to them. The user undertakes to staticize timely Data by means of their editing on TEDDY FOOD. Teddie has the right to request foot, and the User is obliged to provide on such request the documents and information necessary for determination of the User as the sides of User Agreement and/or the side using the appropriate Service, and also the documents confirming reliability of the provided Data.


4.2. In the course of use of the TEDDY FOOD Services (including in case of Registration, interaction with other Users via the TEDDY FOOD interface, placement the comment, viewing of the TEDDY FOOD pages, etc.), the User independently and voluntarily makes the decision on Teddie's provision foot or placement in open access of personal and other information about the User (a surname, a name, a middle name or the User's alias, and also any other information, user-provided, including information on actions of the User on TEDDY FOOD and so forth) for the purposes of performance of User Agreement, and also declares the consent to Teddie's processing foot and its affiliates of personal and other information of the User, their transmission present (including cross-border transmission to the territory of the foreign states providing adequate protection of the rights of subjects of personal information) for processing to other Users and/or the third parties acting at the request of Teddy Food including for the purposes: provisions of consulting support to Users in connection with use of the Website, delivery of messages to other Users, obtaining statistical and analytical data for improving of functioning of TEDDY FOOD and/or Services, extensions of a range of the rendered Services, obtaining information and/or advertizing messages of Teddy Food or the third parties, warning or suppression of illegal and/or unauthorized actions of Users or the third parties, ensuring compliance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Teddy Food takes all necessary measures for protection of personal user information against illegal access of the third parties.


4.3. All information (irrespective of whether belongs such information by the legislation of the Russian Federation to the personal or other information which is subject to protection according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, or not) placed by the User on TEDDY FOOD is placed them in its interests. The user places this or that information on himself only in the interests, including for facilitation of link establishment with the User.

Placing the comment on TEDDY FOOD, paying service, the User does the Data specified in the comment and from a private office (except electronic mails, age, etc.), public and understands that the placed information is published on TEDDY FOOD, including in the Tape of the help, in the Rating of users, in open access, that is is available to acquaintance to any visitor of TEDDY FOOD (an unlimited circle of people) in the territory of all countries of the world where there is a possibility of use of the Internet and access to the website.


4.4. Teddy Food it isn't obliged to carry out preliminary verification of the Data of any kind placed and/or distributed by the User or a shelter by means of TEDDY FOOD. Teddy Food has the right at discretion to refuse to the User or the Shelter placement and/or distribution of any Data by him or to remove any Data which are placed by the User or the Shelter on TEDDY FOOD. The user realizes and agrees that he has to estimate independently all risks connected with placement and distribution of any Data including an assessment of reliability, completeness or usefulness of that.


4.5. Teddy Food doesn't render consultations on the questions which aren't relating to TEDDY FOOD demanding professional consultation on vt also to other questions and/or not entering Teddie's competence foot.


4.6. Addresses of the User to Teddy Food on the questions connected with TEDDY FOOD use are considered in the order provided on the Website. Teddie's interaction foot with the User within consideration of the address of the User is carried out with use of the e-mail address specified by the User.


4.7. Teddy Food has the right not to consider addresses of the User: not containing information and documents necessary for consideration of the address; the containing false information and (or) documents, not possessing reliability signs; concerning questions on which before Teddie the foot has been sent the answer to the User (the repeated addresses); the containing insults, the threats or addresses stated in a sharp negative form; directed with violation of other conditions and an order of consideration of the addresses provided by Teddy Food.


5. Obligations of the User

5.1. The user undertakes to act only according to the current legislation and User Agreement of TEDDY FOOD, and also to bear according to the legislation of the Russian Federation full responsibility for own actions and inaction on TEDDY FOOD and when using Services.


5.2. The TEDDY FOOD Services available to the User can be used only for for which such Services are intended to Teddy Food. The user is forbidden to use Services, and also any information obtained on the Website not to destination.


Teddy Food has the right to carry out at discretion at any time random inspection of Comments and/or conditions of use by Users of Services regarding observance of User Agreement, including in the automatic mode with use of software. In case of identification of violations, and also when obtaining information on such violations or detection of set of signs which can demonstrate according to Teddy Food violations of Teddie the foot has the right to remove the user comment from the third parties.


5.3. The user undertakes not to use automatic and other programs for receiving access to TEDDY FOOD without written permission of Teddy Food. Without the permission of Teddie the foot is also not allowed use, distribution, copying and/or extraction with TEDDY FOOD in the manual or automatic way (with use of software) any materials or information (including texts of descriptions of pets, photos and other).


5.5. The user also promises:


not to take any actions which can lead to disproportionately big load of TEDDY FOOD infrastructure;

not to copy, not to reproduce, not to change, not to distribute and not to provide to the public any information which is contained on TEDDY FOOD (except repost buttons in social networks) without preliminary written permission of Teddy Food and any third party;

not to interfere with TEDDY FOOD work, and also not to interfere with action of automatic systems or processes, with the purpose to block or limit access to TEDDY FOOD.

5.6. For suppression or prevention of violation of User Agreement and/or causing damage of Teddy Food (for example, the DDoS-attacks or other hacker attacks, use of software which isn't authorized by Teddy Food), Teddie the foot has the right to limit access for Users or the third parties to TEDDY FOOD by blocking of access to TEDDY FOOD of the corresponding IP address or range of IP addresses.


5.7. The user undertakes to get acquainted with the ways of introduction of payment and the commission of payment service providers for carrying out payment for Service payment placed on TEDDY FOOD and to choose the most convenient for him a method of payment.


5.8. After payment of the Service User I agree that can't back return the amount transferred on Service if that is already executed or there has passed the term of her performance.


7. Guarantees and responsibilities


7.1. The user bears responsibility for the actions made on the Website according to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, including a maintenance responsibility placed by him information and violation of the rights of the third parties concerning information posted on the Website.


7.4. Teddy Food doesn't bear responsibility for loss of information by the User, and also for distortion of information or loss of the message received with use of forms of communication on the Website.


7.5. Considering the principles of construction and functioning of the Internet, Services are provided "as is", it means that Teddy Food doesn't provide any guarantees concerning Services, in particular, Teddie doesn't guarantee foot to the User that:


Services, their straight line or indirect effect and quality will conform to requirements and the User's purposes;

Services will be provided continuously, reliably and without mistakes;

Results which will be received by means of use of Services will be exact, reliable and to meet expectations of the User.

7.9. Teddy Food doesn't bear responsibility for non-execution or difficulties performed by obligations because of force majeure circumstances which consequences can't be avoided or overcome.


7.11. The Data placed by Users may contain references to the websites in the Internet (the websites of the third parties). The specified third parties and the maintenance of their websites, as well as any information of the third parties aren't checked by Teddy Food for compliance to these or those requirements (to reliability, completeness, legality, etc.). Teddy Food doesn't bear responsibility for any information, the materials posted on the websites of the third parties to which the User gets access in connection with TEDDY FOOD use, and also for availability of such websites or information and a consequence of their use by the User.


7.12 The user is forbidden to mislead, discredit, offend, threaten or to otherwise violate the rights and freedoms of other Users of TEDDY FOOD, Teddy Food, Shelters and/or any other third parties.


8. Intellectual Rights

8.1. The owner of the exclusive rights to TEDDY FOOD and Mobile applications, including without limitation on domain name, the logo posted on the Website, the TEDDY FOOD trademark, databases, all engineering developments allowing to realize use of the Website Teddy Food is. The user or the other person has no right to use TEDDY FOOD, Mobile applications or Services by the methods which aren't provided by the present User Agreement without written permission of Teddy Food including to derive Data in any form the methods which aren't provided by User Agreement. The exclusive rights to the results of intellectual activities switched on in the scope of information, provided by Users, belong to the appropriate Users and owners.


9. Valid time of the User Agreement 

9.1. The present User Agreement comes into force from the moment of the beginning of use of the User of the TEDDY FOOD Services, irrespective of the fact of Registration of the User, and work is termless.


9.2. Teddy Food reserves the right at own discretion to stop access for the User violating the present User Agreement, and also conditions of any of Services, other rules regulating TEDDY FOOD functioning to Services as in general, and in a part including to stop or suspending temporarily access for the User to the Private office. The user whose access to Services has been stopped or Data of which have stopped being valid, has no right to create the new account on the Website repeatedly (including with use of the e-mail address specified by the User earlier TEDDY FOOD) without special permission of Teddy Food. The user has no right to use Registration data of other User for access to TEDDY FOOD.


11. Disputes and current legislation


11.1. At permission of all disputes over the present User Agreement the current legislation of the Russian Federation is applied.


11.2. In view of gratuitousness of use of the Services provided to the User within the present User Agreement, provisions of the legislation on consumer protection aren't subject to application to the relations between Polzovatel and Teddy Food.


11.3. All disputes which have arisen within the present Agreement have to be submitted to court according to territorial jurisdiction in the location of Teddy Food (Samara).


11.4. Recognition of separate parts of the present User Agreement invalid action doesn't repeal other provisions of the present User Agreement.